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Apple Reality Pro

High fidelity conceptual pre-build of Apple’s then speculated Vision Pro MR HeadGear.


A collaboration campaign for crocs. Featuring an eye candy user interface, web animations & 2d physics


Digital Experience for Yusuf KanBai, a singer & songWriter from Lagos Nigeria.

Secret Of The Universe

3D Web exploration with WebGL, Three.js & WebAudioContext. A byte of the solar system in a browser.


Node infrastructure for building decentralised apps providing cloud based Ethereum API's

Cardinal Flume

Flume indexes blockchain data (Ethereum, polygon etc.) for easier querying, simplifying Ethereum node management. It’s stores it’s data in SQLite relational databases and provides APIs to interact with it.


Joined the Nomba team to work on the Nomba Max web app, implementing high fidelity wireframes and directing creative interactions and front-end animations.

iPad Mashup

I created a mimick apple website: a Mashup of Apple's Ipad Web design aesthetic, UI and animations. Coded in Vue & scss.

Samsung S23 Series

An immersive visual journey combining the best elements of Samsung and Apple aesthetics creating a unique and captivating experience for visitors.


Community funded blockchain api’s powered by rivet.cloud’s world class node infrastructure service.

Apple series 8

Another Mimick apple website: a Mashup of Apple's iWatch Web design aesthetic, UI and animations. Coded in React & scss.


PluGeth is a fork of the Go Ethereum Client that implements a plugin architecture, allowing devs to extend Geth's capabilities in a number of different ways using plugins, rather than having to create additional, new forks of Geth

🔓 Mimesis

A custom diffing tool for Golang codebases. GUI & Terminal available, Written In Python

PluGeth Utils

Utilities for developing PluGeth plugins without Geth dependencies

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